Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Paris is Burning #1, Cracking the Nut

0951, May 18th, 1985. The Soviet Third Shock Army attacks the French 2nd Corps.  The French are stretched thin, but have effective anti-tank weapons with which to engage the Soviets.  Yes, the Soviet tanks can by pass the resistance, but doing so will playce the following echelons at risk.

We played this scenario twice, Chuck was the French 35th Regimant d'Infantry (of course) with close air support from a Super Etendard, while Aaron and I commanding one formation each of the Soviet Juggernaut.  In both games, I had the powerful infantry formation, the 77th Motor Rifle (BTR60-mechanized rifle platoons, with support from the awesome 2S6 Tanguska anti-aircraft vehicle).  Aaron commanded the polyglot 1st Tank in game one and the 8th Guard Tank in game two (a pure T-64 force, with limited artillery support).  This was also the first game using my variant artillery rules.  They seemed to work well.  I've tweaked them a little bit for next time.

The battle takes place on a single map, with the French holding two towns, one at a river crossing.  The Soviets enter and must either control both towns, or exit units from the board, or a combination of both.  In game one, Chuck held the river crossing in strength, leaving only two infantry platoons in the Southern town.  I entered first, threw my infantry into the Southern town and in a rolling tide of assaults, drove Chucks infantry out and killed them as they fled West out of the city.  We controlled the town and exited units easily.  Victory for the USSR!

In game 2, Chuck held the bridge with a small force (one Infantry, one APC and a truck), and massed everything else in the Southern town.  He used his artillery effectively to disrupt my dismounted infantry advance, and Aaron was plagued by two turns in which his Guards didn't activate at all.  I fought my way into the town and across the bridge, but unfortunately left wrecks on the bridge hex and the hex the bridge exited onto.  By the time Aaron's tanks got to the bridge and began pummeling the opposing bank with HE rounds, the finals grains of sand in the clock trickled away.  We didn't have enough time to get our units off the board.  Victory for France!

I sure wished there was some way to clear that fucking wreck off the bridge.  Fighting with vehicles in towns leaves a lot of damage.  Oh, and the Tanguska shot that poor Etendard to bits in both games.  Lethal.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Untold Stories #5, Counterattack Countered

June 2nd, 1985. The Canadians are on the counterattack.  Aaron was the East Germans, I was the Canadians.

A very cool little battle.  Two battered Canadian formations (2nd Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry and Royal Canadian Dragoons) are attacking across a river.  One equally battered East German Regiment (29th Motor Rifle) is defending the bridge.  Two formations are rushing to its defense:  the massive 53rd Panzer Brigade, led by Hans Wolf himself, and the 116th Aufklarungs.

53rd Panzer is a big formation of T-72's that can activate twice per turn once a Canadian HQ is identified by a Pact recon asset (this never happened during our game).  The 116th is also a 2-activation unit, but it's a recon force without much hitting power.  It's on the map to spot for the 53rd and to call in artillery.

The Canadians have a few platoons of Leopard C1's, which have solid hitting power, but very weak armor (worse than a T-72), two platoons of infantry, a Lynx (recon) and a surprisingly strong little anti-tank asset:  a reduced platoon of M150 (M113 vehicle with a TOW missile launcher on the roof).  It is the only vehicle in the game that can fire through a smoke screen.

The terrain is flat, open fields with a few copses of trees and scattered villages.  Good anti-tank country.  Very exposed.  The East German reinforcements have to make their way over this ground while taking fire from the M150 and Canadian Dragoons.  These managed to kill Wolf and several T-72 units during their approach.  Off-board Canadian artillery also dropped mines onto one of the primary roads, diverting 53rd Panzer for a crucial turn or two.

On turn 6, the Canadians managed to storm across the bridge, into the East German positions before the reinforcements could arrive.

Assessment:  Fast, brutal, battle between weakened forces.  The East Germans have an extremely effective unit:  the 53rd Panzer Brigade.  The problem is that it has to cover a lot of open ground before it can get into the fight, and the unit it's reinforcing is quite weak.  The usual NATO dominance in terms of equipment and activations is significantly less in this battle than in others.  I want to play this again, switching sides.  It's an excellent battle, playable in an hour or so.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Eisenbach Gap #4: Maelstrom

May 19th, 1985.  Rear echelon forces from 3rd Shock Army are trying to break through a thin U.S. line.  Aaron was the U.S., Chuck and I played the Soviets.

I've solitaired this several times.  It uses the entire map from Eisenbach Gap and features a number of exciting formations:  on the Soviet side the stars is the ever popular 1st Tank and the the 69th Attack Helicopter Regiment.  The U.S. has two balanced formations and the armored Delta Dogs coming in as reinforcements on Turn 2.

Aaron was unfamiliar with the Line of Sight rules, so his initial set-up was flawed (he had his forward units on the "interior" of the hills where their line of sight was blocked).  1st Tank drove into the open center of the board, which looked like a fine decision at the outset, but the situation quickly turned ugly as Chuck's T-72's missed some activations and were cut to pieces.  I advanced through the forest on the right, hoping to cross the river with the aid of my Hinds.  We did manage to wipe out the infantry unit holding the bridge, but by the time we got to the river, Delta's tanks had mauled Chuck sufficiently that they could afford to roll east and catch us in a crossfire.  T-55's burned all along the river road, and those units that survived the crossing were unable to muster the courage to press on to victory.  Aaron won handily.

I always enjoy this battle.  It's big, and the Soviets look impressive on paper.  Pressing into the teeth of dug-in U.S. defenders isn't something to be taken lightly.  Even with the help of Helicopters, I've never seen the Soviets break through.  It's fun to try though.